Weekly Review
Candice Lemonius
“The law is what the judge had for breakfast”
– Justice Jerome Frank
Whether it likes it or not - and as a consequence of both the Brexit debacle and the Julian Assange ‘Show Trial,’ the UK legal system, has itself been on trial.
Both matters have and more likely shall continue to raise, major constitutional issues, affecting the UK and its inhabitants, either directly or obliquely, in terms of the political and social ramifications of judicial action.
The Brexit Prorogation case, raised among other things, the nature and limits of Prime Ministerial power. The Julian Assange case, is likely to shine a much needed spotlight on issues, such as political asylum & extradition, treatment of political prisoners and the fundamental - opaque, yet thorny issues of freedom of speech, Justice, Liberty, Journalist's and ‘Whistleblower’s’ rights etc... These are a heady and potentially toxic mix, which shall come to the fore politically, in the already confused, desperate and uncertain state of British politics.
The ‘Boris Johnson Prorogation Trial’ was good public relations for UK Justice, the Supreme Court and the UK legal system generally. - However, that was a ‘celebrity case’ - only time will tell whether it is truly a ‘celebrated case.’ The world watched that drama - and they are still watching.
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We are now lying still – and the purpose of our ‘lying still’ is to ‘self heal.’
We must therefore use every aspect of our ’Being' to assist us in this process of ‘Self Healing.’
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